Boot Camp Southampton
The Friendliest Best Most Effective Fat-Burning Boot Camp in Southampton!Are You Looking for a Southampton Boot Camp you can stick to?
One that not only takes care of your fitness but your diet too?
A Boot Camp near Southampton that is suitable for ALL fitness levels and doesn’t break the bank?
Then Try the Faster Team’s Personal Trainer Southampton £44 Monthly Boot Camp in Eastleigh and watch those inches melt away!
We created our Boot Camp near Southampton to stop people spending more money than they need on gym memberships, home fitness equipment, exercise DVDs, the list goes on! So you can cut spending without cutting down on your health, fitness and more importantly your RESULTS!
We understand how tough it can be to get yourself out the door to join us, especially when the evenings are colder or you’ve had a tough day at work or with the kids.
Here’s what you can expect at our Southampton Boot Camp:
- Drop unwanted inches meaning look you’ll look great over the summer
- Increase in energy levels making you feel more alert and less lethargic
- Look more toned meaning you will have the body that you have always desired
- Detailed nutritional guidance plans (emailed to you each week) with recipes so you don’t have to worry about what you can and can’t eat
- Regular measurements and ongoing support so you don’t have to worry about what the scales say
…and much more!
Test drive a session first for just £7!
We have limited places so please act fast click here for more info!
Where Are The Southampton Boot Camp Sessions Held?
The Faster Team’s Personal Training Southampton Boot Camp is at Trojans Rugby Club, Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh Southampton
Our Bootcamp takes place outdoors but UNDER COVER so you can boot camp in the fresh air whatever the weather and stay dry!
When Are The Boot Camp Sessions Held?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7.00pm-8.00pm & Saturday 9.30-10.30am
Meet your Southampton Boot camp team here!
What Makes Our Boot Camp in Southampton Different?
■ flexibility: you choose the two evenings that suit you and your schedule
■ our unique location outdoors in the fresh air but UNDERCOVER so you can boot camp whatever the weather!
■ Suitable for ALL fitness levels, ages and abilities: you work at your OWN pace at Boot Camp
■ A completely different Boot camp circuit each time you attend so you never do the same thing twice!
■ Exclusively designed seasonal healthy menu plans from a Five Star world class chef and nutritional designer emailed to you each week
■ Fat-burning functional exercises to target and tone those problem areas and get you the toned physique you’ve always wanted
■ Support and guidance from our team of Advanced Faster Personal Trainers whenever you need it
■ No gimmicks, no concepts, just fab fat-burning fun and the results you want – FASTER!

Test drive a session first for just £7!
We have limited places so please act fast click here for more info!
To join in the fun and book your £7 Boot Camp taster session, give us a call today on 07971 043 108 for a £7 Boot Camp taster session and see for yourself the Boot camp run by the best personal trainers in Southampton that’s getting everyone results FASTER!
Every participant must complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) form before participating.
£44 Boot Camp fee payable in advance by direct debit entitles each participant to classes within each monthly period. Fee is non-transferable. Participants have unlimited attendance to classes per week within the monthly period subject to booking availability of spaces on a first come first served basis.
Newcomers/taster sessions must also be booked in advance to ensure there is sufficient space within the class.
Boot camp is a mutually encouraging and mutually supportive confidence building class. By providing this safe environment, we will all ensure the optimum outcome for each participant. We know that you will respect this endeavour.
Not all exercises will be achievable for each participant. Participants are required to listen carefully to all instructions concerning exercises.
After listening carefully to what is required of you, you as a boot camp attendee will need to make a personal assessment to whether you can perform the exercise safely. If you believe you cannot, please let your instructor know immediately and we will work with you to provide an alternative exercise; for you to achieve your optimum fitness level.
The responsibility for making the judgement about will ultimately be only yours, a boot camp participant, to make.
Our joint aim is for you to achieve your highest level of fitness, as this will be an individual goal.
Newcomers can join at any time within the monthly period, providing there is sufficient space within the class and pay the equivalent fee for the remainder of the monthly course should they wish to continue.
We will strive to ensure as much continuity as possible, but classes may not run on major match days or bank holidays. Participants will always be given sufficient notice in order to plan which nights they attend. Please email for any further info.
Cant explain how awesome these guys are but I will try Gen,Liz,Rob and Guy are amazing I dropped the gym for 3 main...
Posted by Nathaniel Steel on Thursday, 20 June 2013
I have just finished my first 6 week boot camp and quickly signed up to do it all again without any hesitation. Each...
Posted by Kila Parker on Thursday, 10 August 2017
Love the 6 week boot camp. The guys that run it offer loads of encouragement so that every individual is challenged...
Posted by Rebecca Taunton on Monday, 14 August 2017
Fabulous,friendly team. Feeling results and I haven't been going that long!
Posted by Gemma Currey on Thursday, 21 January 2016
Cannot thank the team enough! Everyone is lovely! 🙂 I have just completed my 13th week and my confidence has grown so...
Posted by Emily Tamlin on Friday, 11 August 2017
I was very nervous to start this Boot Camp, not having done anything like this before. But what I would tell anyone who is thinking of joining. Just go for it, once you start you won't wanna stop. �
Posted by Helen Tamlin on Monday, 14 August 2017
I was unsure about starting boot camp & had been putting it off for some time. However, I am now on my 13th week &...
Posted by Maggi Potts on Thursday, 10 August 2017
I'm currently on week 5 of my 6 week boot camp and love it! I've always hated the gym and exercising in general, but the...
Posted by Molly Guskova on Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Love this bootcamp! Very fun way to exercise and make you feel motivated. Love the location and the fact it is outdoors...
Posted by Rachel Chenery on Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Love bootcamp �� The first time I came I knew no one but from the get go everyone was so friendly and welcoming. Along...
Posted by Debbie Casey on Friday, 11 August 2017