How to make this Winter your healthiest yet!
Ah Winter. Darker evenings, colder weather, a lack of sunshine, comfort eating to warm up and cheer up…is it any wonder so many gyms, health clubs and even some personal trainers look forward to a surge in trade each January?!
Fortunately, there are quite a few fail-safe strategies you can put in place, in order to avoid becoming the winter cliché the fitness industry often depends on. We’ve already looked at how you can Avoid the Winter Weight Gain so let’s now address two un-healthy habits so many of us experience the pitfalls of each winter – and how we can overcome them.
Not Moving
Simple as it sounds, what we need to remember is a general lack of every day movement that can be responsible for a whole range of long-term health problems; the most common being heart disease and depression.
Short-term problems such as lethargy, lack of energy (no motivation or mojo…) and muscle or joint soreness (lower back pain, neck pain, knee pain…) sadly often become a part of peoples’ lives, as they are so used to experiencing them.
Whereas having a sedentary job and being sat in the same position for long periods of time at a desk or driving, can contribute massively to all of the above, it does not in any sense mean that nothing can be done to improve your short and long-term health!
Many of my personal training clients set an alarm to go off every thirty minutes, to remind them to get up and walk around the office, or perform some mobility stretches whilst in their chair. The differences they have felt in terms of improved energy levels, mood, posture and even physical appearance is nothing short of remarkable!
I was also recently particularly inspired by my 98 year old Aunt, who performs a whole range of what she refers to as ‘chairobics’ exercises for her upper body; that keep her mobile, supple and still able to perform regular everyday household tasks. I don’t think I’ve ever met a more positive example of living proof! And for the record, she can still touch her toes. Just saying…
No fresh air
This together with central heating is a classic recipe for lethargy – and overeating!
We are so proud to have helped many residents of Southampton overcome this with our Boot camp classes. The combination of exercises designed to mobilise and challenge every muscle of the body, along with fresh air, nutritional guidance and a positive environment, has resulted in a new healthy habit that is now part of their lives – and not another fad!
Here’s what some of them have to say about it. And if you’d like to try it for yourself, give us a shout to book your free trial and get ready to have your healthiest winter yet!